magnetic separator for iron ore

magnetic separator for  iron ore

This magnetic separator model is CTB2316 ,which is wet type smagneti separator.

This site is our Hainan Customers' Iron ore beneficiation plant,with this magnetic separator. 

 Wet Permanent-magnet Drum Separator is made up of cylinder, magnetic system, tank body and transmission.

Operational principle of magnetic separator
Through the feed box, ore pulp flows into tank, under the water flow effects of
the feeding spray pipe, ore grains enter into the feeding area of the tank under
loose condition. Due to the   effects of magnetic field, magnetic ore grains
congregate and form “magnetic cluster” or “magnetic linkage”. The “magnetic cluster” or
“magnetic linkage” moves to the magnetic pole inside ore pulp under the magnetic
effects, and be absorbed on the cylinder. Due to the polaritity of the magnetic pole are
alternately arraied along the roation direction of the cylinder, and be fixed
tightly while in operation. When the “magnetic cluster” or “magnetic linkage” is
rotating along with the cylinder, because of the magnetic stirring phenomanon
created by the alternating of the magnetic poles, non-magnetic minerals like
gangue which are mingled with “magnetic cluster” or “magnetic linkage” will fall off
during the motion of flipping, Eventually the remained “magnetic cluster” or “magnetic
linkage” absorbed on the surface of the cylinder is ore concentrate.
The ore concentrate will be rotated to the weakest magnetic spot on the edge of
magnetic system along with the cylinder, and be discharged to the concentrate
chute under the washing water effects which is creatd from the discharging
water pipe. Non-magnetic or weak-magnetic minerals are discharged out of the
tank along with the ore pulp, and be known as ore tailing. The remained magnetic
minerals of tailing can be retrieved by being through one more time magnetic
separator, so the recovery rate is improved. On the other hand, the
gangue mingled with concentrate can be removed by being through one more time
magnetic separator, so the concentrate grade is improved.

More details ,please contact us.



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