Operational principle of SHUOSEN flotation machine

Operational principle of SHUOSEN flotation machine

The flotation process equipment mainly includes the flotation 
facility and the supporting facility (the stirring tank, the feeder of floating 
agent and so on.) 
To flotation machine, every two tanks constitute a unit. There is 
the thick liquid tube in the first tank for pumping the ore pulp, which also 
named the pumping tank or the suction tank; second is the tank that 
flowing by itself or straight flowing. The middle room is equipped 
between the first tank and the second, under which the ore pulp flowing. 
The impeller installs at the lower end of main axle and at the upper end of 
main axle is the belt pulley, which rotating by motor driven. The air is 
inhaled by the air feeder; the ore pulp surface of each group of floating 
tank is adjusted by the sluice gate. Above the impeller are the cover and 
the air cylinder (also called stand-pipe). On air cylinder opens a hole, 
which to be used to install the thick liquid tube. The middling returns tube 
may serve as the pulp circulation and the size of the hole may be adjusted 
through the tension bar. 
 On the cover equipped with (18~20) guide-vanes (also named 
the stator). These guide-vanes are arranged inclined, having a 60 ° angle 
with radius. These guide-vanes lead the direction of the ore pulp thrower 
out by impeller. Between guide-vanes on the cover opens (18~ 20) 
circular holes, used for the circulation of the ore pulp, which can increase 
the air-filling capacity. 
 The size of gap between the impeller and the guide-vanes on the 
cover is 5~8mm generally, and oversized would produce the unwanted 
effect to the suction intensity and the electricity consumption. Usually 
impeller, the cover, main axle, air feeder, air cylinder and other 
components are assembled a whole body, causing the concentric 
assembly of the impeller and the cover, ensuring that the gap between the 
impeller and the guide-vanes on the cover meets the requirement, and it is 
advantageous for the overhaul and the replacement. 
 In the lower part of the air cylinder, a circular hole is opened for 
adjusting the amount of the ore pulp circulation, and controls circulation 
amount by the flashboard. 
 Generally speaking, the flotation separator is the standard 
equipment; the supporting facility of flotation process mostly is the 
non-standard equipment. The flotation separator is the equipment 
finishing the flotation process directly, which from bottom to top is 
divided roughly into three areas, the stirring area, the separation area and 
the froth area. The separation process is the essential process, in which 
the mineralized froth is produced. This area should have the enough 
capacity and the altitude, and has the obvious boundary with the stirring 
area, in order to help mineral separation. 
The SF series flotation separator, comparing with the XJK series 
flotation separator, blows the froth easily, and the froth does not gather on 
the inside of floating tank. Thus the flotation process efficiency raised, 
the energy consumption reduced. 

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