Common knowledge of mineral processing 1. What is productive rate? In the dressing process, the weight of a product and the percentage of raw ore weight, known as the productive rate. The production rate of each product is calculated as follows: Concentrate mineral rate 1=Q1/Q 100% Medium mineral rate 2=Q2/Q 100% Tail mineral rate 3=Q3/Q 100% Where Q -- raw ore weight, t; Q1 -- concentrate weight,t; T Q2 -- medium ore weight, t; Q3 -- tailings weight, t. What is the recovery rate? The concentration recovery is the percentage of the amount of metal (useful component) in the concentrate to the amount of metal (useful component) in the raw ore.This is an important mineral processing index, which reflects the degree of metal recovery, mineral processing technology and mineral processing quality.The recovery of ore dressing should be improved as much as possible on the premise of ensuring concentrate grade.The calculation method is as follows: 3. What is the Ore dressing ...