Lubrication of Spring Cone Crusher

Lubrication of Spring Cone Crusher

(1) Lubrication system
Each moveable surface of cone crusher suffer huge pressure, meanwhile the speed is very fast, so lubrication is crucial to ensure the crusher works properly.

The lubrication oil of thin oil station enters into the crusher by two directions.
a) One direction enters into the machine under part through inlet port.
b) The other direction enters through transmission shaft.

In order to make sure enough lubricating oil has been added, the lubrication system is electrical interlocked with crusher main body, feeder and transmission. The oil pump needs to be started before starting the machine, or main motor can not be started; once the oil pump stops, when the oil level lower down to 0.5kg/cm2 or the oil temperature has exceeded 60°C, signal has been sent and the feeder stops running, to protect the machine from damage.

(2) Choose of lubricating oil
a) No.20 or no.30 machine oil can be adopted in winter.
b) No.50 machine oil can be adopted in summer.
c) No.40 machine oil can be adopted in normal temperature condition.

(3) Thin oil station
a) Model: XYZ-16 type thin oil station (Q/ZB355-77) .
b) Technical parameter:
nominal flow-rate
16  1/min
fitter device
fitter area
0.08 m2
max. pressure
4k  g/cm2
fitter precision
0.12 m2
oil box volume
0.63  m3
heat innerchanger
heat innerchange area
3 m2
oil pump device
cooler water consumption
1.2 m3/h
motor model
cooler water pressure
2-3 kg/cm2
cooler water temperature
≤ 28°C
heating device
entrance temperature
+ 50°C
exit temperature
≤ 42°C 

c) Structure: the thin oil station is made up of oil box, two sets of oil pump, fitter, heat innerchanger, magnetic fitter, and so on. It is not required to be fixed with foundation. The installation spot of electric cabinet and meter panel are decided by user. Control wiring (Ф10x1, Ф8x1 or Ф6x1 red copper wire) is provided by user. 

d) Operation and maintenance of thin oil station
i. The pressure adjustment of oil feeding is between 0.8-2kgf/cm2; oil temperature is between 30°C – 45°C; the oil level should remain upper limit when not operating, and should not lower than lower limit when operating.
ii. Keep the lubricating oil clean. In the first 3-4 months after new installation, change the oil every 1-1.5 months; then change the oil every 3-4 months; and clean the fitter; at least clean the oil box once every year; check the pressure meter every half-year; change the oil pump at least once every year.
iii. If the pressure difference of the double-drum fitter exceeds 0.5kg/cm2, the cross valve should be moved, use the spare drum while clean the original drum.
iv. When the lubricating oil doesn’t need to be cooled, open the by pass valve, and shutdown the valve of the heat innerchanger, the oil will be sent to the lubricating point directly without passing the heat innerchanger.
v. The electric heater can be started manually when the oil temperature is lower than 30°C, when the oil temperature has risen up to 50°C, the heater will stop working by power off automatically.
vi. When the machine is not in use in winter, user should pay attention on the freeze of oil box and oil pipe, and heat the machine up when necessary by using resistance heater.

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