The difference between standard, medium and short - head spring cone crusher

The difference between standard, medium and short - head spring cone crusher

Although standard type, medium type and short head cone crusher are three different types of cone crusher, they are all a kind of traditional spring cone crusher in essence.

What's the difference?

1. Different shapes of crushing chamber
The short - head cone crusher has a longer parallel belt, the medium cone crusher is the second longest, and the standard cone crusher is the shortest.

2. Different particle sizes of the crushed products
Parallel belt relatively long short head cone crusher, the broken material is relatively fine, generally be used  after the medium crushing;The standard cone crusher can be used for medium crushing.

3. Different width of discharge opening
Compared with the medium-sized short-head cone crusher, the standard cone crusher has a wider applicable range of the width of the discharge port, so the standard cone crusher has a greater processing capacity per unit time.

In short, the short head has a long parallel belt, and the feeding and discharging orifice are both relatively small.Generally, the short head with a long parallel strip is placed after the medium crushing as fine.The standard type due to the short parallel belt, so the crushing product is coarse, high output, generally put after rough crushing, namely after the jaw crusher as crushing.In a word, the standard, medium and short head feeder decreases gradually, while the crushing chamber and parallel zone grow gradually.

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