how to prevent and reduce excessive mud in grinding pulp

how to prevent and reduce excessive mud in grinding pulp?

In flotation processing, Common measures to prevent and reduce slime include:

(1) reduce and prevent the formation of slime: multi-stage grinding process and stage dressing process can be adopted.To choose grinding and grading equipment correctly, improve the efficiency of the spiral classifier;
(2) add to eliminate the harmful effects of mineral mud agents: commonly used water glass, soda, caustic soda, etc.;It can reduce the flocculation of slime.In order to reduce the harmful effect of a large number of adsorption agents, the method of subsection dosing can be considered.
(3) desliming of the grinding raw ore before flotation is carried out to discard it as tailings.If the content of useful ingredients in the slime is high, the removed slime can be treated by flotation alone or sent to hydrometallurgy.
Commonly used desliming method: (1) grading machine desliming;(2) hydrocyclone desliming;(3) in special circumstances, in the flotation before adding a small amount of foaming agent, will be easy to float mud with flotation separation.

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