Factors affecting the ball mill grinding

Factors affecting the ball mill grinding

There are many factors affecting the ball grinding process, mainly including the following three aspects:
 (1) material properties, including ore grindability, ore density, product fineness;
(2) mill structure, including mill specifications, type, lining plate;
(3) operating factors, including medium shape, size ratio and material, medium filling rate, grinding speed, grading efficiency, sand return ratio, pulp concentration, viscosity, material ball ratio, etc.

These factors themselves influence and restrict each other, so the modeling and optimization of the grinding process is still in deep research and has not been well solved.In addition, the variability and randomness of the factors mentioned above also greatly increase the difficulty of modeling and optimizing the ball-milling process.Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the influencing factors of the ball grinding process before carrying out the experimental work, and only by grasping the main contradictions, can the research work be carried out in sequence.

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